azure powershell list all vms in subscription

Lets cross-check our expectations with the actual result: We do get the public IP address resolved on the same row where initially we only got its id, but there are 2 issues: first, the id is still there but appears in 2 columns, and second, the 2nd row belonging to the vmNics 2nd IP configuration is now gone. From the standpoint of what were trying to achieve, the 3 big differences between the models which are in the table at the end of the linked article are the following: Machines under the old ASM model cant be created anymore, unless youve been using VMs through this model in Feb 2020, as per As for the minimum permissions required, the Reader Azure RBAC role will do. Please use a different subscription. It would appear further that things are simple, with horizontal-lines-icon indicating primitive types, while the grid-icon represents a dynamic type. Without at least read permissions to the Azure object or object group, results wont be returned.. Since properties is a dynamic column, properties.IPConfigurations[indexer] is a dynamic value as well. But every time I run it I get (Code: InvalidQuery) The join kind RightAntiSemi is not supported or not allowed. Hi Microsoft Azure Friends, I used the PowerShell ISE for this configuration. Yet even if you have the id in your query, it still doesnt mean that itll always work, and using it as such will expose you to the mercy of the internal cmdlets implementation as it may or may not use the original id column as the primary key leaving you with different outcomes if you run the same cmdlet multiple times, or potentially buggy results. PS C:\> az vm show -n VmName -g ResourceGroupName -otable. The Details pane in the picture shows the first element of the array, as extracted on the first row. } document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. {Name:name, PublicIPs:publicIps, PrivateIPs:privateIps}" --output tsv; done. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Change). "SubName" = $sub.Name Q: Arent there multiple Kusto query statements within some of the samples in this article?A: According to the article here, the query consists of a sequence of query statements, delimited by a semicolon (;). Eg heres a current bug whereby the Details tab doesnt show anything: A: Try using the preview version of the Azure portal, where the bug might have been already fixed, or not present at all: Example: The below cmdlet will show you the list of Azure virtual machine properties under the Demo123 resource group. How to retrieve Azure VMs using PowerShell? {id:id}" --output tsv;do az account set --subscription $i; az vm list -d --query "[]. Luckily a vmNic has just one such attribute, as seen below: Lets remove the nicId column from the query in listing 13, and add the parent VM id instead: And the result, showing an entry for each IP configuration and its vmNics parent VM id: Lets also extract a list of VMs, but keep only the VM id and the name of the VM, using this query: The result of the query, showing the 2 VMs currently present in the subscription, the second being the one weve been building at in this section: At this point we can do the same thing we did when we resolved the public IP ids: we have 2 tables the one in figure 21 and figure 22 that contain a common column representing the VMs id. Of course, I started with a normal Az PowerShell module and its cmdlets. Here are some simple ways like the Azure product page, the Azure portal, the Azure CLI, or a simple Azure PowerShell command to list the Azure VM sizes per Azure region. The [] simply flattens the current array, as described here, while the following partjust rewrites the names of the columns in the final output. Luckily, ARG can be used to query VMs provisioned using both models. $VMReport += New-Object psobject -Property @{ Although I dont have a firm answer right nowIm assuming its because neither of the original id columns are kept, particularly given the last important note here. Useful if youll be automating and know that youre under the limit. Once you connect to Azure with the Connect-AzAccount cmdlet, you can use the other cmdlets in the Az PowerShell module. You can spot this by their null values in the respective figure, which is one of the 4 incarnations of a dynamic type, as seen above. You can add -o table at the end if you're looking for something a bit prettier. As his focus shifted in 2017 to more DevOps related topics in the Microsoft Stack. The following example starts instance 0 in the scale set named myScaleSet and the myResourceGroup resource group. Write-Host $error[0] Heres the partial output when supplying the ARM query in listing 23: 4 attributes appear to control how many requests can be made. For the first issue, consistency, take the query and its result below: This shows how running the very same command returns different results, although the Azure infrastructure wasnt changed in any way. Aside from this, the code has already been adapted by others to work against all subscriptions, by enclosing it in a loop, as seen here. First, the ARG queries need to be sorted, otherwise the paging mechanism will not work. Q: Is there a way to supply the Kusto queries in an embedded direct link, like some of MSs own documentation does?A: Yes, simply encode the Kusto query using an online URL encoder (such as this), then append this to In ASM, , Public IP addresses are independent resources from the VMs under the ARM model. Heres the output in ARGE, and notice the original id field thats now included: Thirdly, looking at the Powershell object returned by Search-AzGraph will not show anything for the arrays containing the IPs. Note -This script will collect all VMs including the status, OS Type, Version, VM, Location, Resorce Group and Subscription Name. Specifically I want to get all the matches for values on the right table that arent present in the left table. A discussion around public/private IP addresses, with some very interesting notes, is here I needed to get the machines and public IPs, perfect! Well keep the vmId as a tie-breaker when 2 or more VMs have the same name across subscriptions, and well also sort by the VM name, with the final query becoming: As well see later, when going over pagination, sorting the result set has important implications, aside the cosmetical alphabetical order by VM name. $Report = ForEach ($Subscription in $Subscriptions) { if($Subscription.State -eq "Enabled") How to get the closed form solution from DSolve[]? Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. (LogOut/ Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? Remove the following 3 characters from both CSV files: Either start Azure Cloud Shell as described, If youre running from a local Powershell console, you need to connect to your tenant first using. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? The same link goes on to say that from a hierarchical perspective there are 3 building blocks: databases, tables, and columns. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? Theres no IP whether private or public that can be found in any of the results columns, and that includes properties as well. How to restart the Azure VM using Azure CLI in PowerShell? These commands are simple to execute, but important to use. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? If youre logged in with an account that only has access to a single Azure Subscription, then you dont need to worry about it. Q: I always get prompted to enter a Context when using Select-AzSubscription -Name . "Location" = $VM.Location But we need to get to the IPs, so lets focus our query towards the network interface itself, by running the following Kusto query: The result of this query does contain the private IP explicitly. Coming back to the result we actually wanted, we dont want only the rows whose public IP id in the left table matches one in the right table, instead, we want all the rows in the left table to be kept, and only add the rows in the right table when the ids for the public IPs match. . Coming back to the output in figure 10, lets replace the ids for the public IPs with the real addresses. Of the 3 methods above, well only look thoroughly at how to use Powershell to interact with ARG. If no -Subscription value is specified, then Search-AzGraph will perform the query against the whole tenant, across subscriptions, which is what were after actually*. You might also get errors reported when running, such as The current subscription type is not permitted to perform operations on any provider namespace. I have discussed with Microsoft Support, and the Product Team is due to update the article. However checking with Microsoft Support, which in turn got in touch with the Product Group, confirmed that currently both static and dynamic IP addresses can be retrieved. But we want the IPs shown in the result set itself, so lets extract that information, using the following query. +1. Compare this to the synchronous version before, which takes in excess of 40 minutes. "VMOSType" = $vm.OsType How to fix this problem? To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. As of now Sep 2020 Microsoft Support confirmed that the common columns, such as name, resource group, etc arent shown, but user voice herecan be used to request it. You might think of using the All resources blade, which has the option of exporting the results as CSV, after filtering for virtual machine and virtual machine(classic) types, but once you try to edit the columns, youll notice that there arent as many as in the Virtual machines blade, particularly theres nothing about IPs that can be selected. "internalDomainNameSuffix": "", "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/JustOneTestVM", "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/JustOneTestVM-nsg", a primitive scalar data type value (such as, Arrays can also be defined, and are easily spotted by the use of, The table used in this query is Resources, indicated with green, The columns that fit on the screen under the Details pane, belonging to the querys single result are circled in red, Of these columns, some of their types are primitive scalar data types, holding just one piece of information. As we wont care about most of the columns, lets just keep the public IP id and address using the query below: The result is below. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Heres just the top properties slot, as its returned by ARGE: What wed like next is to extract just the private IPs and the public ones. Also, thanks for pointing out the deprecation warning. For the ASM, or Azure classic VMs, youll have to install the respective Powershell module, as described here, and use different code to get the list of classic VMs, based most likely on Select-AzureSubscription and Get-AzureVM. Note that a vmNic cannot be connected to a different virtual network (VNet) than any vmNic thats already connected to that VM, as per the note here. Applies to: Linux VMs Windows VMs Flexible scale sets. Where can I begin with some really basic stuff?A: You can start from this Kusto tutorial here All rights reserved. *$" How to query the various AppService minTlsVersion settings using ARG Is this a bug?A: According to this GitHub comment, its by design. { What date does is pretty obvious, whats not so obvious is the %T format, which simply outputs the time (minus the date). In this example, assign the contributor role with the . And it turns out its quite simple to aggregate the data in this way, by using Kustos summarize operator together with the make_list() function. Write-Host "Processing subscription $($sub.Name)" Learn more. When the Set-AzContext command executes successfully, the command prompt will return the details for the Azure Subscription that is selected. Eg just a vmNic that only has a public IP?A: For IPv4 at least, a private IP is required for a vmNic, as clearly stated here If you would like to list virtual machines from Resource Groups listed in a text file, using the following PowerShell script would work: $ResGroups = "C:TempResGroups.TXT" $ReportFile = "C:TempAllVMsInAzure.CSV" Can I get "&&" or "-and" to work in PowerShell? In the last paragraph, I mentioned that you need an authenticated account to use Connect-AzAccount to connect to Azure. Which describes quite well that the leftouter join flavor does. But theres a problem, as Get-AzVM will only operate against machines deployed using the ARM model, as explicitly stated here: However, the Resource Manager cmdlet Get-AzVM only returns virtual machines deployed through Resource Manager. Nice. Well only add a private IP, and skip associating a public IP: So at this stage running the query in listing 1 will result in the properties.ipConfigurations array containing not one, but two elements. What well do is get a list of all subscriptions first, then iterate through them, point the current context to each in turn, followed by exporting the data for that particular subscription. Define Variables ($Subscription) to collect subscription details and $Report to store all VM status along with OS Type, OS Version, VM Name, RG Name. This Microsoft article explains further: When an Azure resource is updated, Resource Graph is notified by Resource Manager of the change. As weve seen previously, the networkInterfaces slot is actually an array, which in our case contains a single entry, corresponding to the only vmNic. One small problem is that since the ARM/ASM ARG query runs against a specific subscription batch, the guarantee that the results are ordered is only per batch, as its the ARG query thats doing the sorting within. You can use the following command to get a list of all the Azure Subscriptions your current login has access to: Get-AzSubscription If you only have access to a single Azure Subscription, then the output will only show that subscription. One of the problems is that the cmdlets acting on one type of VMs will not work on the other, and as such separate Powershell modules exist that contain them: Azure for ASM and Az (along with the soon-to-be-discontinued AzureRM) for ARM. Q: Can a VM be left without any vmNic after it has been created?A: The last vmNic hooked to a VM cannot be detached, as described here the note: If only one network interface is listed, you cant detach it, because a virtual machine must always have at least one network interface attached to it.. Youll notice the Search-AzGraph shows twice in the code below, and that is because it doesnt support 0 as the value for -Skip (if you attempt it, you get The 0 argument is less than the minimum allowed range of 1), so the very first batch of results needs to be treated on a separate if branch. This has the benefit of being even faster. Although the documentation around the notion of instance view is rather scarce, funny enough we can get some info from the Powershell cmdlet used in the ARM model, as Get-AzVMs description herecurrently states that The model view is the user specified properties of the virtual machine. I hope this information helps. As for the tables, well be using a single one, called Resources, which contains all the data were interested in, for both the ARM and ASM models. There was an article herewritten about a year ago, stating that dynamic IP addresses couldnt be retrieved using ARG. But trying to display the first row after skipping the very first element which in essence should yield the 2nd row doesnt work as expected. We can easily make this run asynchronously, by having just a single operator added. | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines', | project id, vmId = tolower(tostring(id)), vmName = name, | where type =~ '', | mv-expand ipconfig=properties.ipConfigurations, | project vmId = tolower(tostring(, privateIp =, publicIpId = tostring(, | where type =~ '', | project publicIpId = id, publicIp = properties.ipAddress, | summarize privateIps = make_list(privateIp), publicIps = make_list(publicIp) by vmId, | where type =~ 'microsoft.classiccompute/virtualmachines', | project id, name, privateIp = properties.instanceView.privateIpAddress, | mv-expand publicIp=properties.instanceView.publicIpAddresses, | summarize publicIps = make_list(publicIp) by id, Get the List of All Azure VMs With All Their Private and PublicIPs, getting the list of all Azure VMs with all their private and public IPs via Azure Resource Graph (ARG),, Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters,,,,,,,,, Is sorting required for pagination to work,,,,,,,, Im using a projected column whose values are copied,,,,,,,,,,,,, The warning will still be generated in the script as its written in the article, if the number of the last result set is equal to that of the size of the page, since the next query will again return 0 results. Q: When running a query in ARG Explorer, I get Query result set has exceeded the limit. For every such match, output a row in the resulting table that consists of all the columns in the first table plus all the columns in the second one. To start multiple VMs, separate each instance ID with a comma. try We can get all the VM info + the power state using the az graph query command. This is how you can get the lists of Azure Virtual machines using Azure PowerShell. And the major problem is that the Virtual machines report cant be downloaded at least as of Sep 2020. Q: How can Cloud Shell export CSV files, and most importantly how can one download them?A: See Currently editing the columns does allow seeing one public IP of the machine,but you wont get to see the 3 public IPs a VM might have assigned on its various vmNics or within its multiple IP configurations. foreach ($vm in $vms) He has worked with companies of all sizes from startups to large enterprises. But double-checking with Microsoft Support turned out that this isnt the case. The table is just one of the the various outputs that Azure CLI supports. But if one looks at the schema, it would appear that that is already the case: A: Ive gotten in touch with Microsoft Support, and the verbatim answer was that any value extracted from a dynamic column has a type of dynamic. If you have any questions please let me know and I will be glad to help you out. Inside the for loop, the same 2 actions are performed: switching the context to the current subscription and retrieving the corresponding list of VMs together with the name and IP details. You need to shut it down and bring it in a Stopped (deallocated) state before adding the new vmNic, as described here Q: In this article its stated that First currently has a maximum allowed value of 5000, which it achieves by paging results 1000 records at a time. Wouldnt it be more efficient to repeated queries and retrieving only the first 1000 results, as opposed to relying on the Search-AzGraph to perform the pagination itself against the 5000 maximum value for the -First parameter?A: No, as youre paying the overhead for sending/receiving the smaller requests. Similarly, its theoretically possible to have doubled results, eg if a VM gets created inside a page bin thats past that which the current query feeds. Lets move on to the public IPs. He was working with O365 since 2013 and loved it ever since. What wed hope to get is the table in figure 10, with the same 2 rows corresponding to the 2 IP configurations defined on that vmNic, but with one single change have the real public IP address showing instead of the cryptic id. This single vmNic has just one IP Configuration, consisting of a private IP and a public IP. You could rightly wonder how this is so, and particularly how can multiple public IPs be assigned to the same VM, particularly since a single private IP is allowed. The very first thing were going to look at is a generic model for how an ARM VM connects to the network infrastructure in Azure. "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/justonetestvm915/ipConfigurations/ipconfig1". "OSVersion" = $Vm.StorageProfile.ImageReference.Sku A REST client can be used against Azure Resource Graph. This was the case in this articles figure 14, where the properties.IPConfigurations[indexer] slot had to be converted to string first. In this Azure PowerShell article, we will discuss how to get the list of virtual machines under your Azure subscription. {name:name,disk:diskSizeGb}'. You can retrieve the lists of Azure Virtual Machines based on certain filter conditions. And since Azure has, at this time, resources deployed using two possible models (ASM and ARM), you need to be careful about what you use to get each set of VMs, as the tools used to retrieve the info for one are incompatible with the other. For the right table, we do expect for at least some of the VM ids to show up twice, corresponding to VMs that have multiple IP configurations or multiple vmNics; wed also expect to have cases where the some of the vmNics parent VM id is null. After youve run the previous command and know either the name or id of the Azure Subscription to need to execute commands against, then you will need to actually set the Azure PowerShell context to that subscription. The bash command for Cloud Shell, using background jobs, becomes: Listing 28 Retrieving all private and public IPs for all ARM VMs within an Azure tenant, from a bash shell, using background jobs. As for the skip functionality, again based on my own testing, appears to work ok, and also the wrap-around bug doesnt seem to occur. Exporting the data to a CSV file needs however to take into account VMs that might have multiple IP configurations per vmNic. "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/justonetestvm915/ipConfigurations/ipconfig2". One important thing to notice is that if wait is not used, youll most likely miss data: background jobs will keep writing to the output file even after control is returned to the console, so copying the output file after the command wrongly appears to have finished will result in partial output only. Q: How did you measure the time it took for the Azure CLI bash command in listing 28 to run?A: To find out the time required to run the bash command, simply hook date +"%T" at the beginning and at the end, like so: date +"%T";for i in az account list --query "[]. This means when executing queries, the type info is not there in the context.. Sorting is recommended although strangely not made a requirement by Microsoft in its own documentation here. Well start with a very simple VM, and keep adding network elements to it until its representative for a VM with an advanced network config, as the picture above showed. For our final Powershell code, this means were going to have an additional layer of pagination, at the level of subscription batches. Azure CLI itself supports Azure Resource Graph (ARG) just fine through the az graph command. When the number of results is no longer equal to the page size, it means our rolling window is right above the last set of entries (or is looking at a completely null set, if the very last row fitted neatly into the previous filled page). The same will occur for this query as well, if you try to run it as-is. And Search-AzGraph will generate the following warning WARNING: Unable to paginate the results of the query. While the teams are working hard to make services available in these regions, it can happen . According to Microsofts documentation, ARG is a service in Azure that is designed to extend Azure Resource Management by providing efficient and performant resource exploration with the ability to query at scale across a given set of subscriptions[]. Launching the CI/CD and R Collectives and community editing features for How to use Powershell splatting for Azure CLI. You want to retrieve a list with all your Azure VMs, complete with all their private and public IPs. The output is below: Copy the tenant domain and paste it in the following commands. For the skip functionality, this fails consistently. For example, to cancel all the background jobs invoked by the commands in listing 28, well use the fact that all the jobs get spawned by the az command, thus we can run pkill -f az. $VMs = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $RG.ResourceGroupName Please use below powershell script, read out the comments for each line so that you can understand : //Get All Subscriptions Students panic attack in an oral exam of all sizes from startups to large enterprises to get the machines public! Strangely not made a requirement by Microsoft in its own documentation here one IP,... Or not allowed we will discuss how to react to a CSV file needs however to take into account that... Of pagination, at the level of subscription batches this query as well, if you have any questions let! 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azure powershell list all vms in subscription